@Dronestream managed to get more than 5000 Followers in 1 Day. Thats how he did it:
- A real, new News Niche: Dronestrikes of the US
- Going trough all sources for that Topic, becoming the Autority
- Do facts and differentiate with comments
- Write about something that matters and moves people
1. Link your self to Media Autorities by doing real good work:
- Josh Begley graduated at NYU
- He worked for and at News Autorities: Wired, TIME, Colorlines, The Atlantic, NPR, and The New York Times
- He already broke uncomfortable, great stories like
- The Prisonmap.com
- A randomized Sender E-Mail List
- A torture bus on Kickstarter
2. Prepare Stuff well
- Josh created an iOs App sends you a pushnotification:
- Background Info: Look at the Comments on this Video
3. Break the story on a real Newsoutlet: e.g. the Daily Beast.
- The Newsstory on the Daily Beast
4. Make a Bold Start
https://twitter.com/joshbegley, 4:33 AM – 11 Dec 12
I’m going to tweet the entire history of US drone strikes tomorrow. 10 years in 10 minutes, starting at 12pm. Follow @dronestream for more.
5. Get Mediasharing for your good, hot story
Great Interview by Aljazeera Stream
6. Get social Sharing
Starting with: http://inagist.com/all/278706366925922304/